Transparency Reporting

Board Policy 5517.01 Bullying and Other Agressive Behavior Toward Students


Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts it annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us. The following information is required to be posted on our website:

1. Budget Information

(a) 2021-22 Final Budget

(b) 2022-2023 Budget Resolution

(c) 2022-2023 FS Preliminary and Final Budget

(d) 2022-2023 GF Preliminary and Final Budget

(e) 2023-2024 Budget Resolution

(f) 2023-2024 Final Budget

(f) 2024-2025 Budget Resolution

2. Summary of General Fund Expenditures  

(a) Personnel Expenditures

(b) Current Operating Expenditures

3. Current Bargaining Agreement:

(a) Mar Lee Education Association 

4.  Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans

Mar Lee School participates in a health plan purchasing consortium agreement with three other Calhoun County districts.  Bids requested on June 1, 2024. Bids received. The APA agreement is contained within the language of the collective bargaining agreement: 

p. 24 Appendix A   


A. The Board acknowledges that the Mar Lee Education Association is electing to designate MESSA as its health insurance carrier through December 31, 2024. The Board and the Association agree to open discussions regarding the continuation or discontinuation of the APA starting June 1, 2024. It is understood that the APA may make changes to the MESSA plans offered to start on January 1 of each subsequent year.”

(a) MESSA ABC Plan 1

(b) MESSA ABC Plan 2

(c) MESSA Choices 0%

(d) MESSA Choices 20%

(e) MESSA Dental Plan

(f) MESSA Essentials


5.  Audited Financial Statements

(a) 2023 Financial Statement

(b) 2024 Financial Statement

6. Employee Compensation Information:

The total salary and a description and cost of each fringe benefit included in the compensation package for the superintendent and for each employee whose salary exceeds $100,000. 

7. District Paid Association Dues

(a) 2022 Paid Association Dues

8. District Paid Lobbying Costs

The district did not spend money on lobbying costs during 2022-2023 school year.

9. Deficit Elimination Plan

The district has not incurred a deficit nor had to enact a Deficit Elimination Plan. 

10. District Credit Cards

(a) Mar Lee District Credit Cards

11. Out of State Travel

The district did not spend money on out of state travel by administrators.

12. Board Policy on Procurement of Supplies, Materials, and Equipment

(a) Procurement of Supplies, Materials and Equipment

13. Board Policy on Reimbursable Expenses

(a) Reimbursable Expenses

14. AP Check Register

(a) Check Reconciliation Report

15. Teacher Evaluation Process

(a) Mar Lee Evaluation Data

(b)The Danielson Framework For Teaching Evaluation Instrument

16. Administrator Evaluation Process

(a) Michigan Association of School Boards Superintendent Evaluation Tool

(b) Posting Requirements

17. Continuity of Learning Plan